Friday, January 26, 2024

Weekly Update 1/26

                                         This week's quote was "You are worth more than gold!"

Our class nominated Mary Linwood for her helpful, kind attitude when working with others!

Mary Linwood had her special week!  


Curriculum Updates                    Paper folders came home today!

Reading:  We finished our novel, Code 7. Each chapter provided a realistic fiction setting that had characters go through real life experiences and learn traits such as perseverance, authenticity, and responsibility. After each chapter, the girls created succinct summary statements and came up with a one-word theme.  Next week, we will begin the novel Number the Stars.

Math: We are doing so well on our fraction chapter!  The girls are very strong in their abilities to identify and manipulate fractions.  We are working on creating equivalent fractions and comparing fractions to 0, 1/2, or 1 whole. 

Language Arts:  Our focus this week was on creating vivid, descriptive sentences.  We went over the use and need for vocabulary, conjunctions, and prepositional phrases. The girls also enjoyed some free write time and shared the stories they are creating.  

Social Studies:   We enjoyed reading our peers' westward expansion projects and made notes on post-its provided "glows and grows". The glows are to highlight strengths of their work, and the grows are to offer suggestions for next time.  Our next unit will take us through the regions of the United States to learn about cities and geography throughout the nation.


Important Dates and Information:

         We had a wonderful time at today's Gold/White team "Rock, Paper, Scissors" Tournament! 

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