Friday, January 26, 2024

Weekly Update 1/26

                                         This week's quote was "You are worth more than gold!"

Our class nominated Mary Linwood for her helpful, kind attitude when working with others!

Mary Linwood had her special week!  


Curriculum Updates                    Paper folders came home today!

Reading:  We finished our novel, Code 7. Each chapter provided a realistic fiction setting that had characters go through real life experiences and learn traits such as perseverance, authenticity, and responsibility. After each chapter, the girls created succinct summary statements and came up with a one-word theme.  Next week, we will begin the novel Number the Stars.

Math: We are doing so well on our fraction chapter!  The girls are very strong in their abilities to identify and manipulate fractions.  We are working on creating equivalent fractions and comparing fractions to 0, 1/2, or 1 whole. 

Language Arts:  Our focus this week was on creating vivid, descriptive sentences.  We went over the use and need for vocabulary, conjunctions, and prepositional phrases. The girls also enjoyed some free write time and shared the stories they are creating.  

Social Studies:   We enjoyed reading our peers' westward expansion projects and made notes on post-its provided "glows and grows". The glows are to highlight strengths of their work, and the grows are to offer suggestions for next time.  Our next unit will take us through the regions of the United States to learn about cities and geography throughout the nation.


Important Dates and Information:

         We had a wonderful time at today's Gold/White team "Rock, Paper, Scissors" Tournament! 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Weekly Update 1/12

                         This week's quote was "In a world where you can be anything - be kind!"

Our class nominated Catalina Pechin for her helpful, kind spirit!

Katelyn Nguyen had her special week!  
Catalina Pechin had her half-birthday on Wednesday!
Mary Linwood Antrim's birthday is January 15, but we won't be in school. 
We celebrated her on Friday!
This week we organized and started TEAMs! Ask your daughter about their team and what their Latin name means. We look forward to some friendly competitions and point opportunities!

Curriculum Updates                    Paper folders came home today!

Reading:  We read articles and gathered facts about avalanches. Next, we drew something related to avalanches and wrote facts around the picture.  These are hanging in the hallway for now.  Students were given the writing prompt, "If you were near a snowy mountain and there was an avalanche, which type of avalanche would you hope to encounter.  Explain why."  The girls used a graphic organizer to plan their ideas and text evidence to write a response. 

Math: We reviewed large number multiplication, division, factors, and multiples.  We assessed these skills on Thursday.  Our next large unit is fractions.  We will create equivalent fractions, compare and order them, and work with mixed and improper numbers.  

Language Arts:  We worked on creating compound sentences using "FANBOYS" to guide us.  These were incorporated in our peer interview paragraphs.  The girls were paired with students in Mrs. Ferrell's class.  After an interview, the girls created an informational paragraph and magazine cover for the student.  These will be in the hallway.  The magazine covers that were made for us are here for you to view! This will continue next week. 

This week's "THUNK" question: If you say sorry but don't mean it, but the person you say it to thinks that you do, does it count?

Social Studies:  Students are using non-fiction research and their notes to create a project that will best demonstrate the knowledge and information they have gathered. Our goal is to complete this project by the end of Friday, January 19. 


A message from Kefu Dorian:
World Language Week will return from February 5th to 9th, 2024! We celebrate different languages and cultures throughout the week. This year’s theme is: ðŸŽµSpeaking in Tune: Learning Languages to Harmonize with the World ðŸŽµ.
We would love for everyone to be part of it. If you speak a different language and would like to share your love for that language, we want to hear from you!
We would like to keep it simple and easy: just shoot a video of you saying the following in your target language: “Hello, my name is _____, and I speak ______. I learned to speak _____________ (when and where). Goodbye!”  Please also email me an English version of your monologue. If you are using your phone to shoot it, horizontal video is better than vertical.
Please let us know if you would like to help. Once we get everyone's video, we will put them together and share it with the entire School during World Language Week.
We did something similar with our Lower School parents a few years ago. You can watch the old video here as an example.
Please send your video and script directly to me at  by Friday January 26th, 2024.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for being part of our World Language Week celebration!

Important Dates and Information:

  • Carpool helper next week: Brenna Reed
  • "Special Week" Student next week: 
  • No school Monday (MLK, Jr. Day) and Tuesday (PD Day for Teachers)
  • Happy birthday on Monday, Mary Linwood!
  • Check SeeSaw for updates from Specials teachers : Chinese lessons begin next week!
  • Check our our photo link
  • One-Pager sheet of links and information