Thursday, May 30, 2024

Weekly Update 5/23


What a wonderful year! The girls and I had a fantastic year of learning, laughing, and growing together. I hope each of you have a restful, recharging summer. 

Here is my address if you would like to reach out by letter, and I WILL WRITE YOU BACK!

Mrs. Brittingham
8338 Trabue Road
Richmond, Va 23235


  • Check SeeSaw for updates from specials teachers


Friday, May 17, 2024

Weekly Update 5/17

 This week's quote was "When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful." Our class nominated Brenna Reed for helping others!

Wordly Wise Dress-Up Day
Check out the creativity!
Curriculum Updates 

Reading: We are learning about Greek Gods and Goddesses. The girls researched one of them and created a poster. These are in the hallway and will come home soon!

Math: For enrichment, we explored the Fibonacci Sequence and read the book Math Curse. Some of the girls created an optional "Esti-Mystery" slide set. Check them out!

Language Arts: This week's letter asked the girls to write a letter to themselves! They used their baby picture as a guide to think about what they would tell the baby for support or advice. These are in the hall and will come home soon! Take a look at these sweet babies

Social Studies:We assessed the midwest region by locating, naming, and labeling the states and capital cities. Next, we will learn the four states of the southwest.


         Important Dates and Information:

  • Carpool helper next week: Bella Douglas
  • Middle School Information 
  • MONDAY, May 20: visit St. Chris for a business expo
  • TUESDAY, May 21: fifth grade and MS performing arts visits
  • THURSDAY, May 23: End of Year Party (11-2:15)
  • May 30: Fourth Grade Graduation
  • Check SeeSaw for updates from specials teachers

Friday, May 10, 2024

Weekly Update 5/10

Bella Douglas had her special week last week!


Madelyn Holloway had her special week this week!


This week's quote was "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." Our class nominated Madelyn Holloway for only competing against herself!

Curriculum Updates        Paper folders came home today!

Reading: We enjoyed a reader's theater script about class awards! Two groups had the same script, but could make changes and props to make THEIR version really stand out. I recorded the performances, and you can enjoy them here. We learned about Greek Gods and Goddesses. Next, we will research one of them and create a poster.

Math: For enrichment, we explored the Pythagorean Theorem a bit and learned about two high school girls that recently helped prove the theorem using trigonometry. We also reviewed skills, finished our shopping spree, and completed a digital decimal escape room. The girls are also creating their own esti-mystery slide set. I will share those next week!

Language Arts: This week's letter asked the girls to write a letter of appreciation for mom. These letters are on the back of their portraits. I hope you enjoy this keepsake!  

Social Studies:We assessed the southeast region by locating, naming, and labeling the states and capital cities. Next, we will review the 12 states of the midwest.


         Important Dates and Information:

  • Check SeeSaw for updates from specials teachers

Friday, May 3, 2024

Weekly Update 5/3

Happy Birthday, Margot Callahan

We hope you enjoy today and have a great weekend!


This week's quote was "A surplus of effort could overcome a deficit of confidence." Our class nominated Catalina Pechin for always giving her best effort, even when the task is challenging!

Curriculum Updates 

Reading: We completed our book project and/or Flora and Ulysses podcast. Check them out here! We are really proud and excited about how it all came together.

Math: We put decimal computation to good use in a real-world application - SHOPPING! Check out how we would spend $200 on a shopping spree! If your daughter isn't finished, they will have some time next week. We are also covering a few enrichment items. This includes dividing decimals by a whole number and converting time and measurement. As we approach the end, we will spiral review many skills and continue working on word problems. 

Language Arts: This week's letter asked the girls to consider someone who exhibits patience. They were to write about this person and how they show patience. We are still working on a poetry exploration booklet and diagramming sentences. 

Social Studies: We were able to practice learning the states and capitals for the southeast region this week. Next week, this will be assessed and we will continue our travels westward!


         Important Dates and Information:

  • Check SeeSaw for updates from specials teachers

Friday, April 26, 2024

Weekly Update 4/26

We are excited for this weekend's Daisy Days and our turn with "Putting On the Hits"!

We hope to see you there!


This week's quote was "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." Our class nominated Macy Van der Waag for always being her true self!

Curriculum Updates         Papers came home today!

Reading: After finishing the novel Flora and Ulysses, the girls were partnered up to create a podcast book talk. After previewing and gathering ideas from a few podcasts, the girls decided how to use a host, guest, and advertiser. All roles must be related to the story and its elements. Once they are done, I will share the podcasts on the blog.

Math: We practiced adding and subtracting decimals. I have seen tremendous growth, so we assessed this week. We will move on to a mixed review of various skills.

Language Arts: This week's letter asked the girls to consider causes that interest them. I want them to think about being a proponent for that cause. We are still working on a poetry exploration booklet and diagramming sentences with the pronouns who, whose, and whom.

Social Studies: This week we assessed the northeast region and moved on to the southeast region. After exploring the geography, highlights, and location of those states, the girls will work on learning those states and capitals. 

Science: Element Research Pictures from our time with Mrs. Mastin

         Important Dates and Information:

  • "Special Week" student next week: Bella Douglas
  • Middle School Information 
  • May 1: The girls will visit 5th grade. (8:00 start)
  • May 23: End of Year Party (11-2:15)
  • May 30: Fourth Grade Graduation
  • Check SeeSaw for updates from specials teachers

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Weekly Update 4/18

This week's quote was "Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." Our class nominated Annabelle Tracey for putting this quote into action!
Vivienne Neal had a birthday on Wednesday! Happy birthday!
Curriculum Updates 

Reading: We got back into the adventures of Flora and Ulysses. We are reading and discussing chapters. Next week, the girls will write a written response that includes a brief summary, opinion, and prediction with evidence.

Math: We have assessed comparing and identifying decimal places. Next week, we will review adding and subtracting decimals. 

Language Arts: This week's letter asked the girls to write down their favorite poem. We read these in    class on Thursday. We are discussing the tone, theme, and rhythm of the poems. We also started      diagramming and imitating sentences. The goal is to help us structure more detailed sentences in our own  writing. 

Social Studies: After using flashcards and maps to review the location of the states in the northeastern    United States, we will assess on Tuesday next week. The girls will have to identify the location of the    eleven states and write the state name and capital. 


Important Dates and Information:

  • May 14: Choir Spring Concert 6:30 at Ryan Hall at St. Christopher's
  • May 30: Fourth Grade Graduation
  • Check SeeSaw for updates from specials teachers

Friday, April 12, 2024

Weekly Update 4/12

What a wonderful performance of The Jungle Book

Great memories were made!


Vivienne Neal had her special week! 


Dress Code Reminder:
Girls' shirts should be able to cover their midriff (even if their hands are raised) 
and  skirts /"Golden Hinge" should reach the mid -thigh. 
Thank you for your help with this.

 Curriculum Updates 

Reading: This was paused for the play practices and performances this week.

Math: To review perimeter and area, we completed a partner challenge. The pairs had to solve 5 challenges that used area and perimeter to lead them to a hidden gem. We also practiced order of operations. We will pick back up with decimals next week.

Language Arts: The girls wrote me letters this week in class. The letter's focus was about reflection. They could write about things they have enjoyed in class and what they would like to work on during our remaining time together. I will have these available during our conferences.

Social Studies: We are practicing the states and capitals of the northeast region. Soon, we will assess this information before heading to the southeast region. We explored a bit about the northeast region. Check out our PADLET.

Important Dates and Information:

  • May 14: Choir Spring Concert 6:30 at Ryan Hall at St. Christopher's
  • May 30: Fourth Grade Graduation
  • Check SeeSaw for updates from specials teachers